Senior Service Liaison will match you with candidates living in your geographic area. We will schedule and facilitate the interviews for you. Once you have selected a candidate, we will draft the contracts specifying the details of the liaison responsibilities in the home by identifying the specific tasks needed to assist you. When the contracts have been drafted, we will coordinate the scheduling and conduct weekly progress reports for the first month, and monthly reports thereafter.
Quarterly, we will review and update the contract, amending the details of the task list as needed. The liaison will remain an employee of Senior Service Liaison throughout their contract in your home making SSL responsible for worker’s compensation, liability insurance, auto insurance and fidelity bonding. SSL will monitor the liaison’s job performance/task completion and their conduct while in your home throughout the contract.
Minimum 3 month contract of service is required and service plans range from 5-20 hours/week. Live in service is available in some areas.